छत्‍तीसगढ़ी राजभाषा दिवस

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One Thought to “छत्‍तीसगढ़ी राजभाषा दिवस”

  1. Ashok Tiwari

    I am sorry that I am not conversant in typing in Devnagri, as such I comment in English. For the first time I witnessed two celebrations on Chhattisgarhi Rajbhasha, of which one was organised by the Rajbhasha Ayog. It is pitiable reality that Chattisgarhi was simply cause of celebration only because no concrete commitment for its official use was narrated by any of the speakers. It is a matter of proud the the speakers were persons of repute in their own right in chhattisgarhi language but the sorry affair of their speech is this that most of it contained criticism of some or other persons. Whole one of the speakers the present Chairman’s predecessors for not functioning effectively, he was highly praiseworthy to the present one. The Chief Guest of the event, V C of R S S University narrated about starting a P G course in Chhattisgarhi which was loudly applauded by this language ‘ lovers, but one of the speaker heavily criticized this and went to discourage people from undertaking this degree. He also made direct comments on politicians, ministers and a former officer of chhattisgarhi origin which were very condemn able behavior . Another speakers speech was full of venom against the people who were responsible for organizing a workshop in R S S U. His criticism was based on the simple fact that perhaps he was not associated in the workshop organised for standardization of the Chhattisgarhi language.Than there was an information from the organizers that they inquired from various district collectors of the state that how many communications were received by them in Chhattisgarhi and in which language they were replied. The Collectors replied no such letters were received. But there was no information that whether any target has been fixed for working in Chhattisgarhi in government offices, whether any incentive is offered to the employees for working in this language . I am curious to know that whether official work is done in Chhattisgarhi in Rajbhasha Ayog, if not than what………I humbly request to all the Chhatisgarhi people that we should strive hard for usage of this language in personal, household, and official life.Who so ever is working for benefit of this language must be having his personal devotion for it , there fore we should neither criticize their work nor we should discourage them. People should shun their differences, if there are any because our ultimate goal is strengthening Chhattisgarhi. Chhattisgarhi which is now mother tounge of nearly twenty million people like me therefore it is a moral duty for all of us to make committed and assertive effort in this regard, It is specially desired from the Ayog that it makes necessary activity to translate the realities of an official language in official workings through out the State.

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